Germany, Flensburg: First of May

We as a revolutionary collective organized a revolutionary bloc at the union demonstration in Flensburg.

Since our foundation it was the first we builded such a bloc and we can be satisfied with the result.

The demonstration started at 10 o’clock at the tip of the harbor.

We held a speech on that demonstration in which we expressed our political position meaningfully.

Our block lined up at the end of the demonstration and so we moved through the city center of Flensburg shouting our slogans loudly.

After the demonstration in Flensburg a part of us made its way to Hamburg and participated in the revolutionary May Day demonstration at 18:00.

We would like to thank our guests, who supported the execution of our demonstration!

Also in the future, we will organize revolutionary blocs on demonstrations in Flensburg to bring the necessary political content of our work to the streets.

Revolutionäres Kollektiv Flensburg, May 2018


C. Kistler

Also editor of Nouvelle Turquie.